Legal stuff
Every day that passes, the laws get tougher and oblige us webmasters to include more legal paraphernalia, which no user reads, but which has to be there to keep our leaders happy, even if I only use my website to publish technical and opinion articles. As there are several concepts that I must explain in detail, I group them here to have a global vision of all the legal matters that you must take into account when browsing this website:
- About references to third parties people whose material I use, you have the section Credits
- About the cookies that can be used by this website, their operation, and how they can be eliminated and deactivated, you have the section Cookies Policy
- On the terms and conditions that govern the use of this website, which you must accept in order to use it, you have the section Terms and Conditions
- About privacy policies of this website, and to know what data I collect, and your rights regarding that act, you have the section Privacy Policy